New Moon in Aries

Today, March 24th 2020 marks a New Moon in Aries.
So, what does that mean?

Whilst I am only just starting to learn more about astrology, star signs and things of the like, I wanted to share with you my take on this new moon and what we can all be focusing on entering this new phase.

Let's first start with the sign Aries. Aries - the ram, is a fire sign and is ruled by Mars. Dating back to Roman Mythology, Mars was the God of War. Now mix the ram + fire + the God of War = a very head strong, bold and courageous character. Aries aren't afraid of the unknown and it is often their fearless characteristic which will help them win. I think this is something we could all use a little of right now. Some courage whilst facing the unknown.

Aries are natural born leaders. They are the first sign of the Zodiac and with that said they often like to be first. They will "take the bull by the horns" (or should I say ram) and initiate what needs to be done.

As I said in my previous blog post, it is okay to feel sad, scared, angry or whatever it is you are feeling at the moment. You need to acknowledge your feelings and know it is okay to feel that way. However, heading into this new moon I believe we could all benefit by taking some tips from an Aries. We can all still take action as an Aries would. It doesn't have to be bold action either.
At the moment staying at home when you can IS action. Not using cash when purchasing things IS action. Not hugging your loved ones goodbye IS action.

If we all take that fearless trek into the unknown together and face this battle with courage I truely believe we can come out the other side stronger than before.



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